3 comments Jun 2, 2021

How to fix continually reconnecting Bluetooth devices in macOS

Lately I’ve been having a problem with an Audio Bluetooth device (specifically, a Jabra Speak 510) that would keep reconnecting indefinitely to my MacBook Pro, a 16″ model running macOS 11.1 Big Sur. This Bluetooth device is slightly out of range, causing the system to drop the connection. Weirdly enough, it affected other devices connected, […]

1 comments Jan 10, 2020

Ubuntu 18.04 Networking Explained

Managing networks got confusing in Ubuntu 18.04 and later. Here’s what you need to know.

0 comments Nov 24, 2019

Takeaways from Kubecon North America 2019

Kubernetes has established itself as the App Store of the Enterprise, with the majority of Fortune 500 companies using it to run apps of all kinds. But it’s not without problems. In this blog post, I detail some of the issues Kubernetes is still facing as it becomes the favored app platform of organizations across the globe.

26 comments Aug 23, 2019

Toggling BIOS mode on Corsair keyboards

Some Corsair keyboards won’t work in your computer’s BIOS due to gaming optimizations — any keys you press before booting an OS will not be recognized. In order to use your keyboard in the BIOS, you must turn on “BIOS mode” for your keyboard. This mode apparently also is required to use the keyboard on […]

2 comments Jun 4, 2019

Why is the Mac Pro so expensive?

On June 3, 2019, Apple launched its long awaited successor to the “trashcan” Mac Pro introduced back in 2013. In what some has dubbed “its attempt to build the most powerful Mac ever”, Apple went all out to create the ultimate workstation for scientists, 3D modelers, creative professionals, movie editors, composers, and many more. Yet, […]

3 comments May 6, 2019

Optimizing a web app for a 400x traffic increase

A post chronicling the challenges of managing increasing complexities and growth of Webhook.site, a simple tool for Web developers used by thousands of users.

0 comments Feb 14, 2019

Solving Kubernetes DNS issues on systemd servers

Come along for an exciting investigation into DNS issues with Kubernetes where we in the end we discover the antagonist … systemd!

3 comments Feb 10, 2019

Electron: How did we get here?

How Internet browsers changed everything about the applications on your computer, and where we go from here.

1 comments Sep 30, 2018

Tips and tricks for htop

Everyone who’s logged in to a server knows htop. But few know all of its magnificent secrets.

1 comments Aug 5, 2018

An introduction to Byobu

byobu brings text-mode computing into the 21st century with windows and tabs. And now, also, mouse support.

19 comments Jul 17, 2018

What is a Webhook?

In 2016, I wrote the utility Webhook.site for testing webhooks. But what is a webhook anyway? And why are they so important for applications on the Internet?

1 comments May 14, 2018

6 takeaways from Kubecon Europe 2018

I attended Kubecon/CloudNative Con last week, and it was a great way to see how various large and small companies – all 4000+ participants – are using Kubernetes in their systems architecture, what problems they’re having and how they’re solving them. Interestingly enough, a lot of the issues we’ve been having at work are the […]

8 comments May 7, 2017

Automating Cloud infrastructure with Terraform

These days, enterprises host thousands of servers with their cloud providers. But how do they keep track of them all? And what if you could define your whole infrastructure by writing it down like a recipe?

24 comments Apr 13, 2017

How to use Apple’s SF Mono font in your editor

At WWDC 2016, Apple unveiled a brand new font which was called San Francisco. The font went on to become the default font in macOS and iOS, replacing Helvetica (which replaced Lucida Sans). On watchOS, a special Compact variant of San Francisco, was used. Later, Apple introduced yet another variant, a monospaced variant, which I think simply […]

2 comments Jan 31, 2017

Back up Elasticsearch with S3 compatible providers

ElasticSearch is a popular search engine and database that’s being used in applications where search and analytics is important. It’s been used as a primary database in such applications as HipChat, storing billions of messages while making them searchable. While being very feature-complete for use cases like that, being new (compared to other popular datastores like MySQL), ElasticSearch […]

1 comments Jan 15, 2017

Simple Mac window management with BetterTouchTool

As a software developer, I not only work with lots of different windows on my computer screen, but with lots of different sets of windows. Not only am I dependent on windows being in different places, but in different sizes. As such, I need to manage all these windows in some way. For example, I often need to […]

3 comments Sep 27, 2016

How to extend a LVM volume group

Extending a logical volume group usually needs to be done when the size of a VMware disk has been increased for a Linux VM. When resizing a disk, the volume isn’t extended automatically, so you need to extend the logical volume in the VM’s volume group. This article assumes that: You have a LVM volume group with a logical […]

0 comments Aug 30, 2016

Office Dashboards with Raspberry Pi

If you’re in need of a simple computer to drive an infoscreen, which usually just consists of showing a website in fullscreen, Raspberry Pi computers are a great choice. They’re cheap, newer versions have WiFi and HDMI output, and they’re small – so they’re easy to mount on the back of a TV. Even better, most […]

0 comments Nov 27, 2014

Strikethroughs in the Safari Web Inspector styles? Here’s why

Safari uses a strikethrough in showing invalid properties in style sheets. This is not documented, and there’s no tooltips to explain this multicolored line. There are 2 known different strikethroughs, red and black. Styles getting overridden by other styles are striked out in black:   But when it’s an invalid or supported property, or the value can’t […]

20 comments Nov 18, 2014

300,000 login attempts and 5 observations

About a year ago, I developed a WordPress extension called WP Login Attempt Log. All it does is log every incorrect login attempt to your WordPress page and display some graphics and a way to search the logs. It logs the username, the password, the IP address and also the user agent, e.g. the browser […]