Dec 29
Fix: Securing the DD-WRT location vulnerability
My Internet router uses a software called DD-WRT instead of the default firmware. DD-WRT is an open-source alternative to the factory-installed firmware for some routers.
Basically, it allows me to do more and have more control over my router.
Today, however, I read about a location vulnerability in the DD-WRT Web administration interface.
Using a DNS rebinding attack, malicious Web sites can track your location fairly accurately using the routers MAC address. For example, when you visit a malicious Web site, people can find out where you live.
I don't want anyone to know my location without my permission, so I found out how to disable the information page where the routers MAC address is shown.
By accessing the administration interface, and enabling password protection of the info-site, you can shut malicious users out.
Click the screenshot to learn how to enable password-protection.