Archive for November, 2014

Nov 27 0 Strikethroughs in the Safari Web Inspector styles? Here’s why

Safari uses a strikethrough in showing invalid properties in style sheets. This is not documented, and there's no tooltips to explain this multicolored line.

There are 2 known different strikethroughs, red and black.

Styles getting overridden by other styles are striked out in black:

Strike (overridden)


But when it's an invalid or supported property, or the value can't be parsed, the strikethrough in the style sidebar is red:



Nov 18 20 300,000 login attempts and 5 observations

About a year ago, I developed a WordPress extension called WP Login Attempt Log. All it does is log every incorrect login attempt to your WordPress page and display some graphics and a way to search the logs. It logs the username, the password, the IP address and also the user agent, e.g. the browser version.

Observation number 1: attacks come and go



Screenshot of login attempts from the past 2 weeks, from the plugin

One thing that is striking about this graph is how much the number of attacks differ per day. Some day I will get tens of thousands of attempts, on other days I will get under 100. On average, though, I get about 2200 attempts per day, 15,000 per week and 60,000 per month. It suggests that my site is part of a rotation, or maybe that someone really wants to hack my blog on mondays.

Observation number 2: passwords are tried multiple times

All in all, there's about 36,000 unique passwords that have been used to brute-force my WordPress blog. From the total number of around 360,000 attacks, each password must is used on average of 10 times. But of course, some are used more than others, as you can see in the table below.

What's interesting is that there's not a larger amount of different passwords. From the large password database leaks the past few years – we're talking tens of millions – one could expect the amount of different passwords more closely matching the number of total attempts.

Of course, there might also just be 10 different people out to hack my blog, and they all have the same password list. :-)

Observation number 3: the most common password is "admin"

An empty password was tried around 5,300 times. Here's a list of the most used passwords, along with how many times they were used:

Attempts Password
5314 (blank)
523 admin
284 password
269 123456
233 admin123
230 12345
215 123123
213 12345678
207 1234
205 admin1
203 internet
202 pass
201 qwerty
198 mercedes
194 abc123
191 123456789
191 111111
191 password1
190 freedom
190 eminem
190 cheese
187 test
187 1234567
186 sandra
184 123
182 metallica
181 simonfredsted
180 friends
179 jeremy
178 1qaz2wsx
176 administrator

This is not a list of recommended passwords. :-) Definitely don't use any of those.

Observation number 4: 100 IP addresses account for 83% of the attempts

The top 1 IP address that have tried hacking my blog,, originates from a location you wouldn't suspect: Amazon. That IP has tried to attack my blog a whopping 45,000 times, 4 times that of the second IP on the list.

I took the top 25 offenders and did a WHOIS on them. I guess if you're looking for a server company to do your WordPress hacking, here you go:

Attempts IP Address ISP Country Code
45465 Amazon Technologies US
15287 CenturyLink US
10842 VDC VN
10425 Green Web Samaneh Novin Co IR
10423 Turk Telekom TR
10048 Webfusion Internet Solutions GB
10040 OVH SAS FR
10040 Hetzner Online AG DE
10040 US
10040 Kaunas University of Technology LT
10036 012 Smile Communications IL
10035 Private Joint Stock Company datagroup UA
10030 Joint Stock Company TYVASVIAZINFORM RU
10030 VDC VN
10029 Amt Services srl IT
9328 IHNetworks, LLC US
9327 Inetmar internet Hizmetleri San. Tic. Ltd. Sti TR
9327 PlusServer AG DE
9208 TIME dotCom Berhad MY
8804 UKfastnet Ltd GB
8201 INTERWERK - Rotorfly Europa GmbH & Co. KG DE
7598 K Telecom RU
6952 INternetdienste GmbH DE
5231 PrivateSystems Networks US
3546 Kyivstar PJSC UA
3202 Hetzner Online AG DE
2099 Fastweb IT

Another interesting thing about this is is the amount of IPs hovering at around 10,000 attempts. It seems like there's a limit where the attacker gave up, moved on to the next target. Maybe all these are a part of a single botnet, and each machine in it is only allowed to attack 10,000 times. Who knows.

Observation number 5: protect yourself by using an unique username

WordPress hackers are really sure that you'll use a pretty standard username, or at least something to do with the name of your blog. A total of just 165 different usernames were tried, compared to the tens of thousands of passwords.

Therefore my final takeaway is to choose an obscure username as well as an obscure password. There's only 11 usernames that have been used more than a hundred times. This was kind of surprising to me.

Attempts Username
164360 admin
119043 simon
15983 administrator
10787 test
10429 adm
10416 user
9871 user2
9253 tester
8147 support
1818 simonfredsted
189 simo
57 root
57 login
56 admin1
3 qwerty
3 [email protected]
2 aaa

That's a lotta attacks, what do I have to fear?

WordPress blogs is one of the most targeted platforms for hackers, many sites use it, from big news organisations to small blogs like this one. If someone can get a login and start fiddling with your links, they can boost traffic to their own viagra peddling sites.

But, as long as you keep your software updated (WordPress makes this very, very easy) and keep the following two rules in mind, you're totally safe.

Bottom line: Set a lengthy password consisting of random characters, letters and digits, and use a username that's not a part of your name, site URL or "admin". Maybe just use some random letters, your password manager will remember it after all.

If you do those two things, there's nothing to worry about.


If you have your own take on this data, or think I've misinterpreted something, feel free to leave a comment below or on Hacker News – I'd love to hear your thoughts.